film screenings / master class
Vincent Moon is a french filmmaker, photographer and sound artist. He’s mostly known as the main director of La Blogothèque's “Take Away Shows”, where he films famous musicians performing their music in unconventional places. His unique and intimate videos show famous artists from a whole new perspective. Moon’s approach towards video making is somewhat documentary – his music videos are often uninterrupted shots where he follows the bands in the city streets, in the public transportation, and surrounded by people passing by.
Some of the most famous “Take Away Shows” feature R.E.M’s frontman Michael Stipe singing in his kitchen, Arcade Fire performing their ballad Neon Bible in an elevator or the band Grizzly Bear a cappella singing their hit song Knife while walking down the street with a beer in their hands.
Since 2009, Moon dedicates himself to his nomadic label, la Collection Petites Planètes. Crossing the world, his camera and computer in his backpack, making ethnographic-experimental films in an independent way, recording traditional and sacred music, religious and shamanic rituals, then sharing it all for free on the internet, under a Creative Commons licence.
Vincent will present excerpts from his work during the evening, he’ll also talk about his creative process.
Vincent Moon’s visit to the Czech Republic is organised by the Beyond Psychadelic festival. On June 20th Vincent will perform his live Music+Cinema ritual SACRED+S – an experiment in between an improvised film created on the spot, a musical experience welcoming local participants, and research into new forms of ceremonies